
We are proud to count Zeabuz as a new member of our network.

Zeabuz is a spin-off from NTNU that develops and delivers maritime autonomy solutions, established by NTNU TTO and scientists in 2019. We are today 27 employees in Trondheim (HQ) and Oslo, with a vision of enabling widespread waterborne mobility through our maritime autonomy solutions.

Maritime autonomy shall be a key enabling technology for both digitalization and decarbonization of the maritime industry, but also optimizing safety, energy efficiency and cost-cutting in the maritime sector as well as alleviating transport and road infrastructure on land.

Zeabuz is owned by strong actors in the maritime segment and is in dialogue with a rapidly increasing number of customers across the globe. Our solutions have been deployed on the NTNU-owned research ferry milliAmpere 2 in Trondheim, the commercial passenger ferry MF Estelle in Stockholm (operated by Torghatten) and the first electric harbor craft HydroMover and HydroGlyder launched by Yinson GreenTech in Singapore.



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