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Start-ups providing solutions for a Sustainable Blue Growth
24th of May, Paris
On the occasion of the Sustainable Blue Growth Forum held on Friday 24th of May at Le Palais du Luxembourg in Paris, six innovative French and Norwegian start-ups competed to win one month of soft landing in Paris and Oslo.
- Empower, an innovative solution which turns the return rate of plastic waste upside down!
The Norwegian Laureate, Empower is offering an innovative solution through a plastic waste fund to ensure that plastic collection is being rewarded. This global plastic waste ecosystem is based on the the philosophy and success of the Norwegian plastic bottle deposit system: for every batch of plastic delivered, the person is rewarded digital EMP Tokens worth $1 each. By giving plastic a value they incentivize people to clean it up and deposit the waste instead of throwing it in the nature.
>Learn more about Empower:
Empower won one month of soft-landing in Paris within BNP Paribas's incubator, We Are Innovation (WAI).
- Scatri, dedicated to improve fishing conditions around the world by reducing ghost fishing!
The French Laureate, Scatri, is a French-Swiss start-up dedicated to improve fishing conditions around the world with its innovative technology called the "Smart Buoy". Every year, up to 20% of fishing equipment (nets) is lost at sea. This phenomenon called "ghost fishing "represents an ecological catastrophe because this lost equipment continues to “fish” on its own for years. The SmarBuoys may well revolutionize the global "coastal" fishery by avoiding the loss of fishing equipment.
>Learn more about Scatri:
Scatri won one month of soft-landing in Oslo within the French-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce's business center.
We would like to thank and congratulate the other Norwegian and French companies who took part in this competition and for contributing to the preservation of the environment and the Blue Growth! : Blue Lice, Equilibrium and Fishency Innovation / Cobratex and Internest
If you are an innovative SME/startup specialized in the fields of: Energy Transition, Green Mobility and Energy Transition interested in the Norwegian market - Join the Mission "Cleantech & Smart City" to be organised in Oslo on the 19th and 20th of September (applications before Wednesday 12th of June).
> Mission Cleantech & Smart City / 19th-20th of September, Oslo
> Forum Sustainable Blue Growth Forum / 24th of May, Paris