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#1 Green Future Solutions - "Greening Maritime and River Transport: Electric, Hydrogen and Hybrid Solutions"

The "Greening Maritime and River Transport: Electric, Hydrogen and Hybrid Solutions" webinar was the first of the Green Future Solutions webinar series. It was held on the 21st of April 2021 and gathered more than 90 participants. We co-organised this event with Innovation Norway, as members of the Team Norway France.

Many thanks to our moderator Eli Wærum Rognerud (Innovation Norway) and to our speakers: Joachim Rønnevik (Statens Vegvesen), Jean Weymuller (Naval Group), Thierry Meunier (EDF) and Katia Ronzeau (Ecosys Group).

We explored a very wide range of topics such as the upcoming projects in Norway in the maritime industry or the "Coalition pour la Transition Eco-Energétique du Maritime" (T2EM) led by the Cluster Maritime Français and its partners, which includes projects like the implementation of a digital platform for data sharing and the creation of a hybrid ship (fuel cell and hydrogen) by EDF and Naval Group.


Download the speakers' visual presentations:


Next webinars of the Green Future Solutions Webinar Series:

  • Smart Ports (27th of May 2021)
  • Electric Vehicles and Smart Charging
  • Offshore Wind

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